
Wednesday, August 01, 2012

All in Good Time

Earlier this week I signed my contract to teach science this year. When I posted my big news to Facebook, I was overwhelmed with the love shown by my friends and family. The "likes" and comments were uplifting, and gave me some much-needed confidence. However, there was one particular comment that I kept returning to, looking at, and contemplating. My friend Stacy said, "Glad to see God's timing in this for you." In fact, I still tear up when I read that comment. I'm so blessed to have a friend that knows my heart and my needs, and also has the wisdom to point out the obvious to me when I miss it.

Three years ago I decided to enter an alternative teaching certification program. I'd only used my college education for five years since graduating in 1999, and teaching seemed like a good way to put it to use here in rural Texas. I completed an online program through Region 4, and only needed a semester of student teaching or a one year paid internship to complete the process. Region 4 gives the prospective teacher three years to find a position. Since I'd finished at the end of August, the prospects of finding a job that first year weren't very good. So, I decided to substitute teach for one year. Then one year turned into two, and then two into three....

I've spent the last three years working part-time. I've had a flexible schedule, and a small paycheck. We've stretched pennies and made sacrifices. We found out what was important to us, and what we could let go. It wasn't always comfortable, but it always worked. It wasn't until I realized how bad Ray's condition was that I became obsessed about getting a real job. I even considered leaving education entirely because I just wasn't getting anywhere.

And then the phone rang... I thought it was a "hey, we want to interview you for a job" call, but it was a "hey, you have a job" call. I guess since the junior high principal has seen me in action on an almost-daily basis for three years, there probably isn't a question to ask me that she doesn't already know the answer. I am grateful, and blessed, and happy.

If I had been given this position three years ago, I wouldn't have... I couldn't have, fully appreciated the opportunity. The extra income and insurance availability would not have been the blessing on my family that it is now. I didn't waste three years of my life. I've spent three years learning some of the best techniques for classroom management from some of the best teachers. I understand the curriculum and the standards in ways I couldn't have three years ago. Three years has given me wisdom to not just implement rules and policies, but to understand the reason we have certain rules and policies. I've learned exactly how I want my classroom to run, the kind of teacher I want to be, and how to make both of those things happen. I've learned from my mistakes and from my successes.

Three years for my dream to come to fruition. Three years of hoping and praying and waiting. Three years of frustration. But God had a plan for me, and then it happened. Not in my time, but all in good time. All in God's time.

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