I haven't updated my blog in a while-since March. Basically, I didn't know what to post. Ray peaked under the direct supervision of the doctor in Lubbock, but has steadily declined since returning home. He was spending hours and hours a day while in Lubbock doing therapy and exercises. He doesn't have time like that at home. And let's face it, his disease is progressive, and well, it's progressing. And then, I did have news to post, but needed to get past Gunnar's State Finals and the end of the school year before sharing.
May 14 was Ray's last day to work. His supervisor asked him to get a physical from his physician and to take a week off. We made a mad dash to Enid to see the neurologist, and decided that for Ray's safety and to relieve Baker Hughes of any potential liability, it was time for him to quit working. I have to say, Baker Hughes has been wonderful. They took care of Ray and allowed him to work longer than I ever could have imagined. We will always be grateful for the way they handled Ray's illness.
I'm not sure what our future holds. Right now, a lot of paperwork. It's a little bit overwhelming. We are blessed that Ray has disability insurance and retirement that we can access. I've already started the long, arduous process of applying for Social Security Disability. I fully expect that to take at least a year to go through. Financially, I think we will be okay.
Emotionally, things are harder. I can't decide if it's a blessing or a curse that this has happened at the beginning of summer. On one hand, I'm grateful that I can be here with Ray and help keep him busy and his spirits up. On the other, I'm not used to having Ray here all the time. The boys and I have a routine and we know the way we do things. Now there's Ray to consider, and his idea of how something should be done or handled isn't always the way we've been doing it. My patience wears thin pretty quick too. It's an adjustment for all of us.
We've received more prayers and blessings through this than I ever could have imagined. Please, keep praying.